In our article on How Blockchain Can Help Your Brand's Digital Identity we share 5 great use cases of the blockchain used by bra

10 May 2023, 09:51
🥳🛍 In our article on How Blockchain Can Help Your Brand's Digital Identity we share 5 great use cases of the blockchain used by brands. Check it out! 🔗Media companies use blockchain to tackle piracy, intellectual property, and royalties. ✨The Open Music Initiative in Boston identifies original creators and rights holders, ensuring fair compensation and preventing piracy by maintaining data integrity. Propy, a California-based company, is creating a worldwide real estate marketplace with Web 3 technology. 🛍 They use blockchain smart contracts to prevent title fraud and allow the use of cryptocurrency for faster and cheaper real estate transactions.🪙 Have you heard of WholeCare? This blockchain platform simplifies access to patient information, communication, and secure medical records.ℹ️ It also includes personalized care plans, medication protocols, and appointment scheduling to reduce healthcare costs.✨💊 🛍Shping improves communication between clients and brands, helping users make informed choices with our Global Product Database. Our app also features a reward system with Shping Coins to boost engagement.🎁🪙 ⭐️IBM Food Trust is a blockchain platform that helps track and share information about food products. 🛍 This is a great way to improve food safety and prevent waste across the supply chain.🔗