Hi all,. I've got another Shping Friday update for you. We've released version 2. 0 of our whitepaper.

11 Nov 2022, 04:09
Hi all, 👋 I’ve got another Shping Friday update for you. 🔥🔥🥳We’ve released version 2.0 of our whitepaper! 🥳🔥🔥 With all the amazing work the team has done in 2022 we wanted to update our whitepaper to reflect the changes we’ve made and the wonderful progress from the Shping team. This whitepaper contains the market opportunities available to Shping as it currently stands, an introduction to Shping and the features and benefits it has to users, brands and retailers. We dive into the how Shping works and building the largest product database including the marketing and consumer incentive system. If you wanted the finer details of the Shping economy, we break down what it means for brands and app users. Get information on our self-sustaining model where both parties benefit and fuel the economy. We also provide the insights to the current and future states of Shping including our expansion roadmap - a question we’re frequently asked on our AMAs. There is also a section introducing the Shping executive team of handsome fellows (including me) 🤣 before our conclusion and a brief history of Shping. Download your copy from our website here👉 Our November AMA is fast approaching so if you have any questions for the team, please use this form to submit your questions👉 In other news, we’ve received a number of user reviews that we’d like to share to show how this project is helping people facing real challenges with the cost of living.🌟 ❤️“I wait for things to come on special with the high cost of living right now and while I’ve only had the app for a little while, I’m still figuring it out, but so far I’ve managed to save $54 on purchases made and earned some money, too.”❤️ 👥Missed our last AMA? Check it out here and give it a like and share👉 Our Nutura case study will be finished next week. So we’d like to thank the guys from Nutura for not only supporting the case study but also supporting this amazing platform in Shping. Thank you! Stay tuned for the case study. 🖥 In developer news, we’ve had some application upgrades that are allowing us to better track event data in our application giving greater insights to brands on shopper engagement and behaviour. These insights are invaluable to brands that are rewarding Shping users and only add to the value proposition Shping provides. 💪💪 As always, thank you for being part of the Shping Community 💚Tristan💚