Have you noticed a massive increase in bots on Instagram lately.

14 May 2023, 08:31
Have you noticed a massive increase in bots on Instagram lately?🤖 It seems almost impossible to view or post content without getting a dodgy comment asking to “promote it on @ definitelyascam” This is becoming increasingly problematic, particularly if you are trying to build an audience or your personal brand.🚀 So how do you stop the bots? Well, Meta are investing heavily but right now there are a few things you can do✅ Tip 1. Go private! It may not help you grow, but it’ll certainly boot the bots. Tip 2. Turn off follow suggestions. If you want to stay public, this will help reduce the amount of bots on your page. Tip 3. Avoid popular hashtags. Be more selective and targeted with hashtags, as bots tend to follow the super popular ones. What’s your experience been?