Happy Saturday everyone. Here are some of the highlights of this week.

02 Apr 2022, 02:01
Happy Saturday everyone! Here are some of the highlights of this week. We are delighted to share that Jared, head of our dev team, with his family has managed to leave Ukraine and are on their way to Australia✈️. Jared will join us on our next AMA to share some of his experiences and to thank you all 🙏for your concern and support. Our other Ukrainian team members are also safe.☂️ Another great news of this week is that, finally, Google has indexed our brand💥 and now when you search for Shping it no longer thinks it's a typo and instead of showing results for Shping it was showing results for shopping. We knew that getting Shping indexed would take time and would be a great challenge as it competes in ranking with a very popular word “shopping” and to break through google algorithms we would really need to get to a significant growth in adoption and enquiries.💪 This is a very big milestone🚀 as now we should get advantage from organic traffic and now more people would be able to find us. We had a lot of enquiries about our activity on twitter and other channels, the challenge was to ensure constant flow of information to the marketing agency which looks after our social posts and we are not always available to provide required information in the right format to the marketing agency that impacts regular updates in social channels, hence some of the updates appearing in telegram are not translated across all the other channels. The good news is that from Monday - Tristan joins us as a marketing manager and one of many of his key focuses will be maintaining communication between us and the marketing/PR agencies, as well as ensuring uninterrupted flow of information via all social and other channels. Our next AMA will go live on the 29th of April, however should you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to share them with us here in the channel and we will make sure they get addressed. Thanks to every one of you for your continued support and share of passion wishing you all safe and happy weekend.🙏❤️