Happy Friday Everyone. Our usual Friday update to share our progress and successes of the week.

11 Feb 2022, 11:30
Happy Friday Everyone! Our usual Friday update to share our progress and successes of the week 💪 Now that Shping coin became accessible to over 100mln people around the world on the back of the listing with Coinbase, Liquid, ProBit and Timex, we have been overwhelmed and honoured with the level of interest there is towards Shping project. 👏 What is really exciting, is many of the millions of people, who already bought some Shping Coins, also can't wait to start using the Shping App as soon as it becomes available in their region. A potential App audience of that size would help us to reach critical mass required, as we as roll our services outside of Australia .🚀 To ensure that we provide adequate level of project information to those who want to learn more, we are now putting the right infrastructure in place to initiate continuous distribution of the project information and our local success to those wanting to follow our journey. This week we began the search for a new member to our Melbourne team - a dedicated Marketing Manager to support our upcoming communication and PR activity locally and internationally .🔥 We are also very excited that Probit exchange has put together a special program to educate their community about Shping project. There will be a number of activities, including an AMA with our CEO and a staking event which would start on the 23rd of February This week we have also been busy preparing for an upcoming webinar that we will host together with GS1 Australia and Woolworths on the subject of adoption of track and trace technology by the industry. An interesting fact 😉 - In the past, when our sales team had to explain our "Cross Marketing" feature, where a Brand can target products of their direct competitors with their ads, the team would use an example of "Pepsi advertising on the product page of Coke" which would always follow with the disclaimer - that this was just an example as we did not work with Coke or Pepsi.It is so amazing that now they can drop that disclaimer 😎 Thanks to every one of you for your continued support 🙏 🤗 and hope you all have an amazing weekend ❤️